Technology Stack used: Frontend: Built with Next.js, leveraging the power of React for dynamic user interfaces. Authentication: Integrated with NextAuth for secure Google logins. Database: MongoDB is used for storing user and prompt data, ensuring fast access and scalability. Styling: Tailored UI with TailwindCSS for sleek, responsive designs. Next.js features: Next.js 13 App Folder Structure Next.js 13 Client Components vs Server Components Next.js 13 File-based Routing (including dynamic and nested routes) Next.js 13 page, layout, loading, and error Special Files Next.js 13 Serverless Route Handlers (Next API, Full Stack Apps) Next.js 13 Metadata and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Three ways to fetch data in Next.js: Server Side Rendering (SSR), Static Site Generation (SSG) Incremental Static Generation (ISR)
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